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Our summer camp is a therapeutic camp where it is fun, but structured and goals are targeted within each activity. They will have group time, craft time, snack (bring their own), outdoor time, story time, etc. Additionally, out camp is designed and run by our school counselors, exceptional children’s teacher and speech therapists to ensure participants are receiving essential skills needed in school and beyond. Every moment is scheduled and all activities address goals of each child. Dates will be finalized soon, we are currently looking at the last two weeks in June and the last two weeks in July.

Enroll your child for any OR all of the four weeks. If your child an ideal candidate for summer camp:

  • Childs ages: 4-6 (potty trained)
  • Verbal (even if only a few words)
  • Decreased expressive and/or receptive language which includes:
    • Difficulty with social skills, shy/withdrawn
    • Difficulty following/remembering directions
    • Articulation issues (hard to understand)