Camps at Trusted Parents consist of two separate camps, one serving ages 7-22-years-old and the other 18-30-years-old. From the youngest to the oldest, each of our programs is uniquely designed to accommodate and support our various campers’ needs. We are intentional in offering visual schedules and predictable routines that make the transition from each activity easy. Throughout the day, each program adheres to a schedule and routine to which the campers can easily become accustomed. Our staff takes measures to promote positive behaviors by consistently helping campers to process, understand, and improve their social engagement, to which many of our campers need assistance. They lend support in all situations, reminding and prompting campers to use positive methods for making friends, getting attention, and avoiding impulses that can lead to conflict. All this aids campers to have a fun, peaceful, and successful camp experience.
*Campers must be independent with toileting and hygiene skills to be eligible for Camps at Trusted Parents.